Pesticide Application Notice
Dear Parent, Guardian or Staff Member:
I am writing to let you know that a pesticide with the trade name of Demand CS, and the EPA registration number of 100-1066, is scheduled to be applied on 5/22/2021, at the specific location of Thomaston Grammar School. This is being done to help manage Ticks as part of our Integrated Pest Management Program to ensure a healthy school environment. Signs will also be posted at access points and at this central location at least two working days prior to, and will remain posted for 48 hours after, the application. This notice is being provided at least five days prior to the planned pesticide application in accordance with our school’s Integrated Pest Management Policy and in compliance with Maine Board of Pesticides Control Regulation CMR 01-026 Chapter 27.
For further information regarding this action please contact the IPM Coordinator at
Steven Sylvester 207-542-9074
RSU13 Administration