
Economic Status Form




September 8, 2022

Dear Families,

In order for Thomaston Grammar School to continue to have free breakfast and lunch for all students into next school year, we need to have full participation in completion of the attached economic survey.  You may have filled out similar information on another form or online that needed to be completed by the state.  This is a federal form that needs to be completed.  We need to have 100% of these forms returned.  Please help us to do that.  We apologize for asking for this information from you in more than one format.  We need all families to complete this survey, regardless of free and reduced lunch status. Even if you have completed a form for a student in another school, we still need one completed for your TGS student(s).  Completion of these forms is also necessary to continue to provide math and literacy interventions through our Title I programming.  Please take a few minutes to complete the form so that we can continue to provide all of our students with free breakfast and lunch daily and provide them with needed math and literacy interventions. 

Economic Status Form

Thank you so much!


Ainslee R. Riley